Health and family welfare department of Karnataka recruitment information

In view of the factors outlined in the proposal, the Government has given permission to fill up the sanctioned vacancies of 1205 Primary Health Officers (ANMs) and 300 Health Inspectors (HIOs) in the Department of Health and Family Welfare through direct recruitment under the following conditionsFurther, the Commissioner, Civil Services shall take all necessary steps to complete the recruitment process within the stipulated time frame and shall submit the compliance report of the conditions imposed below.


1. initially ANMS/ HIOS can be recruited through contract while ensuring that legal issues do not arise during permanent recruitment later.

2. The recruitment should be done de-novo, without considering the pre-
service of contract employees, as per extant C/R rules.

3. The staff allocation of ANMS and HIOS should be optimized by deploying them to multiple sub-centres, adhering to population norms, and in a cluster method across sub-centres, whereby ANMS/ HIOS are considered for a minimum 5,000 population, and 15,000-20,000 respectively.

4. the following exercise is to be conducted within a period of 15 days:
a. Re population-evaluate, sanctioned workload, mobility posts considering, and the adoption current of factors IT tools such. as
b. Optimize numbers and redefine ANM/ HIO roles in the context of
already and optimize the existing ASHA work-time workers parameters and CHOS. to minimize duplication of efforts

5. The mode of recruitment shall be through merit based selection
an open written cum practical competitive examination. Appropriate
Proposal for the agency for recruitment, namely the HFW department or KEA or KPSC etc as well as special recruitment rules, if any, shall be submitted within 7 days.

6. The existing qualification criteria may need to be revised to ensure better
response from the prospective candidates. the amended qualification may include GNM diploma and degree course as well, since not many candidates as per existing qualification of ANM diploma may be available. Further, basic competence in handling digital devices like Tabs, smart phone or laptops etc for data entry also needs to be specified. This may require amendment to those C&R Rules. That proposal for the same needs to be sent within 3 days

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