Appointment of Young Profesional-1 on temporary basis
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the appointment of following post on
temporary basis a period of up to one year OR till the Project/ Scheme is discontinued whichever is earlier.
Name of the project– Insecticide resistance management:
Dissemination of Pink bollworm management strategies”, at Agril. Research Station, Dharwad
Name of the post – young professional
Number of posts – 01
Date of interview – 17-12-2024 10 AM
Pay of scale
Rs. 30,000/- per month
Qualification required
Graduates in relevant Subject: Agricultural Sciences/ Agriculture Marketing.
Candidates having experience in IRM Project will be preferred
Name of the project–
Evaluation of Bt Cotton varieties and Hybrids with bio safety cleared transgenic events through ICAR-AICRP on Cotton” at Agril. Research Station, Dharwad
Name of the post – young professional
Number of posts -01
Date of interview – 17-12-2024 10 AM
Pay of scale
Rs. 30,000/- per month
Qualification required
Graduates relevant Subject: Agricultural Sciences.
Candidates having experience in Entomology/ Pathology/ Breeding will be preferred
Service rendered in the University is not allowed to be considered for permanent post. About this Candidates appointed on ad hoc basis before joining service Rs. 100/- on prescribed form on printed paper
Candidates who are willing to be considered for the above posts is requested to submit their applications IN
PERSON on plain paper enclosing only the true copies of the testimonials as per the Proforma given overleaf in the
ANNEXURE IN DUPLICATE. The candidates should appear for interview on 17.12.2024 at 10.00 A.M. in the
Candidates should bring with them all the original documents pertaining to their qualification, date of birth,
experience and publications if any, produce before the interview committee at the time of interview.
No TA and DA will be paid to the candidates appearing for the interview. The appointment is purely on
temporary basis and terminable at any time without assigning any reasons thereof. Also-appointment under this
Notification will not confer any right on the part of the candidates for any appointment in the University.