Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore
Applications are invited for the recruitment of one Research Associate (RA) position purely on temporary basis at the Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Bangalore Centre of the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI). The selected candidates would be placed in Category I, II and III depending on the qualification and experience as per the DST OM No.SR/59/Z-08/2018 dated 30 January 2019 and DST/ PCPM/ Z-06/ 2022 dated 26th June 2023.

Eligible and interested candidates should apply by sending the application to the following address
with the subject header ” Application for RA” latest by 20 December 2024.

Candidates those who have applied for the advertisement No. TSMD/ TSMU-BC/ 2024-2025/ 01 dated 11 September, 2024 will also be considered for this round.

1. A cover letter
2. An up to date CV which contains their permanent/ present address, email address, telephone/ mobile number, date of birth, academic qualifications, experience (if any), date of submission of Ph.D. thesis/ date of receipt of the Ph.D. degree,list of postdoctoral positions (if any), list of publications and preprints
3. A research statement including summary of work done
4. Copies of papers/ preprints


Consolidated monthly emoluments of Rs. 58000/-(Rupees Fifty eight thousand only), Rs.61000/-(Rupees Sixty one
thousand only) and Rs. 67000/-(Rupees Sixty seven thousand only) plus HRA as per rules of the Institute per month
depending on the qualification and experience in the three categories respectively.

Tenure of appointment:

The tenure of appointment will be initially for one year from the date of his/ her joining the Institute which may be extended later/ terminated earlier, depending on availability of funds and performance of the
candidate. Based on performance of the candidate, the term of research associateship can be up to a maximum of two years.


The upper age limit shall be 35 years as of 14 December 2024 with usual relaxation for
SC/ ST/ OBC/ Women/ Differently abled candidates. Age relaxation may also be given to outstanding candidates or
candidates with relevant experience.
In addition at least 2 recommendation letters including one from the thesis supervisor should be sent directly by the
recommenders to

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to give a seminar followed by interaction with the faculty. At the time of joining
selected candidates have to produce all relevant documents/ testimonials in original for verification and a medical certificate of fitness from the Medical Officer of the Institute. If it is found at a later date that any information given in the application is incorrect or false, the candidature/ appointment is liable to be cancelled/ terminated and the institute will offer the position to the next candidate in the merit list prepared for this purpose.



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